by AJ Labs
Contact Technical Support
This app is provided free of charge for your benefit.  Although every effort has been made to ensure its correct functioning, it is provided without warranty of any kind
1 Fabric wear is constant VOLUME loss not a constant caliper loss process.  
2 Every fabric revolution, roughly the same volume of yarn is removed, not a constant thickness  
3 The color slices are all equal in volume and diminish in thickness as the wear facets get larger.  
Slice Volume = Facet Area x Thickness
4 The chart below shows that the wear volume vs caliper loss curve is not a linear relationship
5 Fabric is 100% worn when either:
a) MD yarn has lost 50% of its thickness
b) CD yarn has lost 90% of its thickness
a) MD Yarn is 50% worn
b) CD Yarn is 90% worn
MD Yarn: 50% worn & CD Yarn: 90% worn
User Guide
This app is designed as a visual guide to show the appearance of the wear side of forming fabrics at several different wear levels. 
LPM tab
Select Fabric Style
Use the dropdown control to select the fabric style you wish to display
LPM Report tab
This displays the wear levels in a layout suitable for printing from the app to a WiFi-enabled printer. Use the Print Button at the top of the screen to show a Print dialog where you can select a printer.
Printing a report
Click on the Print This button at the top of the screen
  A print dialog will then be displayed where you can select the printer for output.
Select the Style from the Dropdown list
Wear Level vs. Caliper Loss
% Worn [mm] [in]
20% Worn
40% Worn
60% Worn
80% WORN
100% Worn
LPM Report
Wear Level vs. Caliper Loss
% Worn [mm] [in]
20% WORN
40% Worn
60% Worn
80% WORN
100% Worn