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Introduction ExperCalc is an HTML/Javascript based application optimized for use on your mobile device such as your smartphone or tablet although it can be run in any modern browser such as Chrome, FireFox, Safari or others. Loading ExperCalc It is recommended that you be connected via WiFi when loading it and as it is a complex application it can take up to a minute to load. Once loaded it can be used offline as long the browser cache is not cleared. It may take up to a minute to activate due to the nature of the app engine. Using ExperCalc Each section of the app can be accessed by clicking on the down arrow V icon on the left of the section tab. The section will expand and any previously open section will close. Technical Support Technical support can be reached via email by clicking on the Contact Technical Support on the About tab. Please explain the problem as clearly as possible with screenshots if necessary. Data Entry & Selection There are several types of data entry methods available Numeric data inputs have a PALE YELLOW background. Click in the cell to enter the data. Dropdowns display downwards arrow on the right and show a list of choices when selected; click on the desired choice to select it. If the list is longer than the display window a scroll bar will be shown. Buttons show the selected choice with a PALE YELLOW background; click on the desired choice to select it. Sliders change the value by sliding the control left or right. The range and increment are pre-determined. Interactive Charts Charts have an interactive feature that displays the data values and label in a popup at the selected point when the chart is clicked.
LENGTH mils inches feet yards Miles nautical miles Microns (um) millimeters (mm) Centimeters (cm) meters Kilometers (km) Furlong rods light years mils inches feet yards Miles nautical miles Microns (um) millimeters (mm) Centimeters (cm) meters Kilometers (km) Furlong rods light years AREA Sq Mils Sq Inches (sq in) Sq Feet Sq Yards Sq Miles Acre Sq Microns Sq millimeters Sq Centimeters Sq Meters Sq Kilometers Hectares Sq Mils Sq Inches (sq in) Sq Feet Sq Yards Sq Miles Acre Sq Microns Sq millimeters Sq Centimeters Sq Meters Sq Kilometers Hectares VOLUME Cubic Inches (ci) Cubic Feet Cubic Yards teaspoon (tsp) tablespoon (tbsp) Fluid Ounce cup pint (liquid) quart (liquid) gallon Barrel acre feet cubic millimeters cubic centimeters (cc) cubic meters milliliters (ml) liters Cubic Inches (ci) Cubic Feet Cubic Yards teaspoon (tsp) tablespoon (tbsp) Fluid Ounce cup pint (liquid) quart (liquid) gallon Barrel acre feet cubic millimeters cubic centimeters (cc) cubic meters milliliters (ml) liters DRY VOLUME pint (dry) quart (dry) peck bushel liter pint (dry) quart (dry) peck bushel liter MASS Grain Ounce (av) Pound (av) Ton Troy Ounce Troy Pound milligram gram kilogram Metric ton Grain Ounce (av) Pound (av) Ton Troy Ounce Troy Pound milligram gram kilogram Metric ton POWER watt kilowatt (KW) Horsepower (550 ft-lb) Horsepower (electric) BTUs per hour foot-pounds per second watt kilowatt (KW) Horsepower (550 ft-lb) Horsepower (electric) BTUs per hour foot-pounds per second ENERGY erg joule (watt second) watt hour kilowatt hour (KWH) BTU therm (US) foot-pounds calorie (heat) calorie (food) erg joule (watt second) watt hour kilowatt hour (KWH) BTU therm (US) foot-pounds calorie (heat) calorie (food) FORCE ounce-force pound-force dyne newton kilogram-force ounce-force pound-force dyne newton kilogram-force TEMPERATURE Degrees Kelvin Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Kelvin Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit VELOCITY inches per second (ips) feet per second (fps) miles per second miles per hour (mph) knot Furlongs per fortnight meters per second kilometers per second kilometers per hour c (speed of light) inches per second (ips) feet per second (fps) miles per second miles per hour (mph) knot Furlongs per fortnight meters per second kilometers per second kilometers per hour c (speed of light) ACCELERATION inches per second per second feet per second per second miles per hour per second meters per second per second kilometers per second per second kilometers per hour per second G (gravitational pull) inches per second per second feet per second per second miles per hour per second meters per second per second kilometers per second per second kilometers per hour per second G (gravitational pull) TIME picosecond (ps) nanosecond (ns) microsecond (us) millisecond (ms) seconds minutes hours days weeks Fortnight months (1/12th yr (365 day, except for last 2) year (365 day) year (leap) year (mean) picosecond (ps) nanosecond (ns) microsecond (us) millisecond (ms) seconds minutes hours days weeks Fortnight months (1/12th yr (365 day, except for last 2) year (365 day) year (leap) year (mean) COMPUTER bit (b) nibble byte (B) kilobyte (KB) megabyte (MB) gigabyte (GB) terabyte (TB) bit (b) nibble byte (B) kilobyte (KB) megabyte (MB) gigabyte (GB) terabyte (TB)
BASIS WEIGHT g/m² lbs/3300 ft² lbs/3000 ft² lbs/1000 ft² lbs/1300ft² lbs/2880ft² Grade Usage Offset News, Tissue, Bag, Bleached Board Liner Bond Market Pulp AIR PERMEABILITY Atmosphere Bar dynes/cm² in. Hg in. Water kg/cm² m Water mbar mtorr or micron Hg Pa or N/m² MPa PSI or Ib/in² torr or mm Hg PRESSURE Atmosphere Bar dynes/cm² in. Hg in. Water kg/cm² m Water mbar mtorr or micron Hg Pa or N/m² MPa PSI or Ib/in² torr or mm Hg Atmosphere Bar dynes/cm² in. Hg in. Water kg/cm² m Water mbar mtorr or micron Hg Pa or N/m² kPa MPa PSI or Ib/in² torr or mm Hg ROLL HARDNESS P&J Shore A Shore D 0 100 58 10 98 52 20 95 46 30 88 36 40 82 31 50 75 25 60 71 22 70 67 20 80 63 18 90 60 16 100 57 15 110 54 14 120 51 12 130 48 11 140 46 10 160 43 9 180 40 8 200 36 7 220 33 6 240 31 6 260 29 280 27 300 25 0, 19, 78, 6, 2, 112, 101, 8 2, 92, 79, 16, 22, 2, 89, 8
Unit Amps Volts HP kW % Load WTR Couch WRR Total DRAGLOAD FROM HORSEPOWER (pli) Total Horsepower Avg Fabric Speed fpm Avg Fabric Width in * Dragload (pli) pli * Note drive losses assumed to be 10%
Imperial Metric INPUTS Select the wrap configuration: 1 Top-Top-Top 2 Bot-Bot-Bot 3 Top-Top-Bot 4 Bot-Bot-Top 5 Bot-Top-Top 6 Top-Bot-Bot 7 Bot-Top-Bot 8 Top-Bot-Top 1 Top-Top-Top 5 Bot-Top-Top 2 Bot-Bot-Bot 6 Top-Bot-Bot 3 Top-Top-Bot 7 Bot-Top-Bot 4 Bot-Bot-Top 8 Top-Bot-Top A D F B E G C H OUTPUTS Lead-in LEFT RIGHT Guide Angle IN Guide Angle OUT Total Guide Angle Length IN Length OUT Felt Span Ratio
Imperial Metric *X = apron thickness + gap between bottom of headbox and top of fabric EXISTING HEADBOX CONDITIONS HB Head "H2O X* Wire Speed Y J/W ratio Z Z-Y Cut thru-Should be 0.5" - Change here for Z calculations: New Z-Y CALCULATIONS HB Head (@J/W=1) Jet speed (@curr J/W) J/W ratio (to compare) J/W Horizontal Jet speed J/W Difference J/W Diff. Horizontal Current Angle β ° Vertical Force "H2O Jet length Horizontal J/W REQUIRED: try different vertical forces or angles RECOMMENDATIONS: • Impingement angle < 4 degrees • Vertical impingement force < 40" H2O OPTIMAL Y β ° Vert Force "H2O β ° X X Y Y Z Z β ° Vert Force "H2O IMPINGEMENT ANGLE and FORCE vs Y
Imperial Metric THEORETICAL HEAD Spouting Velocity: Head: APPROXIMATE SPOUTING VELOCITY Head: Spouting Velocity: HEADBOX FLOW RATE / UNIT WIDTH Slice Opening: Spouting Velocity: Orifice Type: High Angle Low Angle Nozzle Vertical Dilution Hbx Headbox Width: Headbox Flow Rate : TOTAL Headbox Flow Rate : FIBER RETENTION Headbox Consistency % Tray Consistency % Retention % FABRIC PRESSURE OVER ROLL Fabric Tension Roll Diameter Pressure FORMING BOARD SETTING Initial Jet Velocity Jet Angle ° Jet to Wire Height * Slice to Blade distance FOIL BLADE SPACING HARMONICS Fabric Speed Foil Blade Spacing Harmonic Frequency Hz NEW FOIL BLADE TABLE SPACINGS Wire Speed Required Frequency Hz New Spacing
Suggested Vacuum Graduations # Units : Header MAX vacuum : in Hg Unit # Recommended Vacuum Level (inches Hg) Set last box vacuum to the Header vacuum, then adjust upstream boxes according to the schedule shown HIVAC Cover Guidelines Slot Width Operating Vacuum Range 1 up to 5" Hg 0.75 5" to 9" Hg 0.625 9" to 18" Hg 0.5 above 18" Hg ● MAX of 6 slots / chamber above 16% consistency
WEIGHT & BASE SELECTION Select the weight & base combinations AccuDry 2 / 564gsm AccuDry MAX / FlexFlow MAX / 466gsm AccuFlow 2 / 882gsm AccuFlow S / 808gsm AccuFlow SHD / 1042gsm AccuFlow SHD2 / 1082gsm element VR (921) / 925gsm ExPress / 586gsm FlexFlow 2 / 543gsm FlexFlow X / 500gsm Stylus Axiom (776) / 532gsm Stylus/Axiom (777) / 586gsm TriFlow (961/962) / 656gsm TriFlow (971/972) / 680gsm AccuDry 2 / 564gsm AccuDry MAX / FlexFlow MAX / 466gsm AccuFlow 2 / 882gsm AccuFlow S / 808gsm AccuFlow SHD / 1042gsm AccuFlow SHD2 / 1082gsm element VR (921) / 925gsm ExPress / 586gsm FlexFlow 2 / 543gsm FlexFlow X / 500gsm Stylus Axiom (776) / 532gsm Stylus/Axiom (777) / 586gsm TriFlow (961/962) / 656gsm TriFlow (971/972) / 680gsm AccuDry 2 / 564gsm AccuDry MAX / FlexFlow MAX / 466gsm AccuFlow 2 / 882gsm AccuFlow S / 808gsm AccuFlow SHD / 1042gsm AccuFlow SHD2 / 1082gsm element VR (921) / 925gsm ExPress / 586gsm FlexFlow 2 / 543gsm FlexFlow X / 500gsm Stylus Axiom (776) / 532gsm Stylus/Axiom (777) / 586gsm TriFlow (961/962) / 656gsm TriFlow (971/972) / 680gsm AccuDry 2 / 564gsm AccuDry MAX / FlexFlow MAX / 466gsm AccuFlow 2 / 882gsm AccuFlow S / 808gsm AccuFlow SHD / 1042gsm AccuFlow SHD2 / 1082gsm element VR (921) / 925gsm ExPress / 586gsm FlexFlow 2 / 543gsm FlexFlow X / 500gsm Stylus Axiom (776) / 532gsm Stylus/Axiom (777) / 586gsm TriFlow (961/962) / 656gsm TriFlow (971/972) / 680gsm
INPUT Felt Position Felt Length ft Stretch - Out in Stretch - Left in Roll 1 Roll 2 Roll 3 Roll 4 D M? "" "" "" "" Felt will stretch 2 inches for every 1 inch a stretch roll is moved Min Felt Length Max Felt Length Lengths that might cause vibration RF - 2 RF - 1 RF RF + 1 RF + 2 Stretch amounts that might cause vibration RF - 2 RF - 1 RF RF + 1 RF + 2
Imperial Metric LINE LOAD FOR NIP IMPRESSIONS Vacuum Vacuum Box Width Line Load Approx vacuum component line load for taking nip impressions PRESS IMPULSE Press Line Load Nip Speed Press Impulse PRESS BOND ANGLES Seamed Endless Felt Length Bond Angle deg PRESS FELT PINTLE SIZES Yarn Size (mm) Yarn Size (in.) # of Yarns Calc. Area (mm2) Autocad Calc Size Label 0.33 0.013 4 0.343 0.80 1 0.36 0.014 4 0.397 0.85 0.41 0.016 3 0.389 0.88 2 0.38 0.015 4 0.456 0.92 0.43 0.017 3 0.439 0.93 3 0.41 0.016 4 0.519 0.99 4 0.46 0.018 3 0.493 0.99 0.43 0.017 4 0.586 1.04 5 0.46 0.018 4 0.657 1.11 0.48 0.019 4 0.732 1.16 0.41 0.016 5 0.649 1.11-1.23 6 0.43 0.017 5 0.732 1.16-1.29 7 0.46 0.018 5 0.821 1.24-1.38 8 0.48 0.019 5 0.915 1.30-1.44 The Autocad Calculation takes the packing of the pintle strands into account and how they configure in their smallest form.
Imperial Metric Position Uhle Box # Fabric Width Total Slot Width/Open Area in^2 Fabric Speed ft/min Uhle Box Dwell Time msec Recommended Dwell Time 2-4 ms/uhle box VACUUM CALCULATIONS Vacuum in Hg Nash 904L / Somarakis SVP-3434 (4000 cfm) Nash 904M / Somarakis SVP-3442 (5000 cfm) Nash 904P / Somarakis SVP-4243 (6000 cfm) Nash 904R / Somarakis SVP-4252 (7000 cfm) Nash 904S / Somarakis SVP-5152 (8000 cfm) Nash 904T / Somarakis SVP-5159 (10000 cfm) Nash 904U / Somarakis SVP-5971 (14000 cfm) Nash CL2001 / Somarakis SV-2523 (2000 cfm) Nash CL2002 / Somarakis SV-2523 (2000 cfm) Nash CL2003 / Somarakis SV-2523 (1800 cfm) Nash CL3001 / Somarakis SV-3028 (3000 cfm) Nash CL3002 / Somarakis SV-3028 (3100 cfm) Nash CL3003 / Somarakis SV-3028 (2300 cfm) Nash CL4001 / Somarakis SV-3633 (4000 cfm) Nash CL4002 / Somarakis SV-3633 (4000 cfm) Nash CL4003 / Somarakis SV-3633 (4000 cfm) Nash CL6001 / Somarakis SV-4440 (6400 cfm) Nash CL6002 / Somarakis SV-4440 (6900 cfm) Nash CL6003 / Somarakis SV-4440 (5300 cfm) Nash CL9001 / Somarakis SV-5348 (9600 cfm) Nash CL9002 / Somarakis SV-5348 (9600 cfm) Nash CL9003 / Somarakis SV-5348 (8300 cfm) Nash CL14001 / Somarakis SV-5372 (14500 cfm) Nash CL14002 / Somarakis SV-5372 (14500 cfm) Nash CL14003 / Somarakis SV-5372 (12000 cfm) Nash none / Somarakis SV-5986 (20000 cfm) Selected Pump Capacity cfm Estimated Pump Efficiency % Total Slot Area in^2 Uhle Box Airflow cfm/ Recommended Airflow 15-25 cfm/ Herringbone Slot Calculations (if applicable) Slot Angle degrees Slot Size (S) in. Land Size (L) in. Pattern Width (W) in. Open Area per in. of fab width in^2
Imperial Metric Method: Weight Pneumatic Anchored Pneumatic Fabric Width Pulley Diameter Sprocket Diameter WEIGHT METHOD Weight Diameter Weight Height Weight Material Cast Iron Steel Lead PNEUMATIC METHOD Cylinder Diameter Rod Diameter Cylinder Pressure Running Tension
Imperial Metric Temp from Pressure Pressure from Temp Pressure Temperature Temp. Pressure Calculated Spec. Vol. Sat. Stm Spec. Enth. of Sat. Wat Latent Heat of Stm Spec. Enth. of Sat. Stm Gauge Pressure Temp Specific Volume Saturated Vapor Saturated Liquid Latent Heat of Steam Saturated Vapor (psig) °F (ft3/lb) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb) (Btu/lb) V a c u u m 25 134 142 102 1017 1119 20 162 73.9 129 1001 1130 15 179 51.3 147 990 1137 10 192 39.4 160 982 1142 5 203 31.8 171 976 1147
Imperial Metric BOW CALCULATIONS Fabric Width Amount of BOW Width Loss SKEW CALCULATIONS Fabric Width Amount of SKEW Width Loss
SAFE pH OPERATING RANGES ACIDIC ALKALINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Kynar (PVDF) Polyproylene (PP) Polyester (PET) Polyamides (PAM) Polyphenylene Sulphide (PPS) Polyetherether ketone (PEEK) TEMPERATURE & CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 Temp Mineral Acids Alkalis Solvents Oxidizing Hydrolysis Kynar (PVDF) 5 5 5 5 4 5 Polyproylene (PP) 1 5 5 5 3 5 Polyester (PET) 3 2 2 3 3 1 Polyamides (PAM) 3 3 2 5 4 3 Polyetherether ketone (PEEK) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Aramid 5 1 3 2 2 3 Homopolymer Acrylic 3 3 2 4 3 5 Polyphenylene Sulphide (PPS) 4 5 5 4 1 5 PTFE (Teflon) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fiberglass 4 4 2 4 5 5 ""
Imperial Metric FIBER RETENTION Headbox Consistency % Tray Consistency % Retention % TENSION POWER Fabric Speed Fabric Tension Fabric Width Tension Power kW FABRIC PRESSURE OVER ROLL Fabric Tension Roll Diameter Pressure psi DRAG LOAD Total Volts V Total Amps A Fabric Speed Fabric Width Drag Load PMC CYCLES Speed Fabric Length Days Run Nips/cycle Cycles @ 24 hrs Cycles over Total Life
Imperial Metric FLOODING NIP SHOWER Fabric Speed Fabric Width Fabric Caliper Fabric Void Volume % Required Flow Speed Flow NEEDLE SHOWER OPTIMIZATION FABRIC INFORMATION Fabric length Fabric Speed Time per Revolution sec SHOWER INFORMATION Nozzle size Nozzle spacing Shower Stroke OPTIMAL SHOWER SPEED Oscillator Speed Time for full cover hh:mm:ss Revs for full cover FAN NOZZLE COVERAGE Distance to fabric in Nozzle Spacing in Required Fan Angle for SINGLE Coverage degrees for DOUBLE Coverage degrees Graph is approximate
> Measureable Tension Range: 10 to 50 pli. > Accuracy: +/- 10% of converted tension reading. HUYCK/WEAVEXX TENSOMETER READING pli kN/m CentraFlow PrintStar, ExFT, SF InTegra PacStar TENSION CONVERSIONS pli kN/m pli to kN/m : kN/m pli kN/m to pli : Note: N/mm is equivalent to kN/m
IMPERIAL SHEET BASIS WEIGHT #/1000ft² 10.0 13.3 16.7 20.0 23.3 26.7 30.0 33.3 36.7 40.0 43.3 #/3000ft² #/3300ft² g/m² 48.8 65.1 81.4 97.6 113.9 130.2 146.4 162.7 179.0 195.2 211.5 ft/min ORIFICE SIZE (in.) & PRESSURE (psi) S I N G L E 1000 0.020 0.024 0.024 0.028 0.028 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.035 0.035 0.035 132 135 147 146 155 153 160 167 163 169 174 1500 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.024 0.024 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.031 0.031 0.031 198 222 242 237 252 123 128 134 130 134 139 D U A L 2000 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.024 0.024 0.024 148 165 180 194 206 194 203 211 200 207 214 2500 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.024 0.024 0.024 185 207 225 242 257 242 254 264 250 259 267 3000 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.024 0.024 0.024 222 248 271 291 309 291 304 317 301 311 321 3500 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.024 0.024 0.024 259 289 316 339 360 339 355 370 351 363 374 4000 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 296 331 406 388 412 388 406 423 4500 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 333 372 406 436 463 436 457 476 5000 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.018 370 414 451 485 485 5500 0.016 0.016 0.018 0.018 0.018 407 455 468 503 534 6000 0.016 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 444 468 511 548 582 6500 0.014 0.018 0.018 514 507 553 METRIC SHEET BASIS WEIGHT #/1000ft² 10.0 13.3 16.7 20.0 23.3 26.7 30.0 33.3 36.7 40.0 43.3 #/3000ft² #/3300ft² g/m² 48.8 65.1 81.4 97.6 113.9 130.2 146.4 162.7 179.0 195.2 211.5 m/min ORIFICE SIZE (mm) & PRESSURE (bar) S I N G L E 305 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 9.1 9.3 10.1 10.1 10.7 10.5 11.0 11.5 11.2 11.6 12.0 457 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 13.6 15.3 16.7 16.3 17.4 8.5 8.8 9.2 9.0 9.2 9.6 D U A L 610 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 10.2 11.4 12.4 13.4 14.2 13.4 14.0 14.5 13.8 14.3 14.7 762 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 12.7 14.3 15.5 16.7 17.7 16.7 17.5 18.2 17.2 17.8 18.4 914 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 15.3 17.1 18.7 20.1 21.3 20.1 20.9 21.8 20.7 21.4 22.1 1067 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 17.8 19.9 21.8 23.4 24.8 23.4 24.5 25.5 24.2 25.0 25.8 1219 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 20.4 22.8 28.0 26.7 28.4 26.7 28.0 29.1 1372 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 22.9 25.6 28.0 30.0 31.9 30.0 31.5 32.8 1524 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.45 25.5 28.5 31.1 33.4 33.4 1676 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.45 28.0 31.3 32.2 34.7 36.8 1829 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 30.6 32.2 35.2 37.8 40.1 1981 0.35 0.45 0.45 35.4 34.9 38.1
Imperial Metric Basis Weight g/m² lbs/3300ft² lbs/3000ft² lbs/1000ft² lbs/1300ft² lbs/2880ft² Machine Width Machine Speed SHEET CONSISTENCIES Headbox % Off-Couch % Press Exit % Final Sheet % WATER AMOUNTS g/m² From Headbox Entering Press Exiting Press at the Reel WATER REMOVED BY SECTION g/m² Forming Press Dryer Total Sheet Water Removed gal/min l/min PRESS SECTION DETAILS Nip width # of felts Nip residence time ms Water removal rate
Imperial Metric RECTANGULAR WEIRS Head on Weir (H) : Length of Opening (L) : Flow rate : RECOMMENDATIONS L : should be 4 to 8 times H H : measure ~6 ft ( 2 m) back from weir opening NOTCHED WEIRS Head on Weir (H) : Flow rate for 90° notch Flow rate for 60° notch