Přihlášení do AJOLT Test Site
Jste tady poprvé?
If you cannot login and you've tried the "Forgotten your username or password" link next to the username box and you still cannot get in, then it is possible that you are not registered in the AJOLT system.
Please contact Elaine Reed (elaine.reed@astenjohnson.com) to be added to the system.
- Username: your AstenJohnson email address (e.g. john.doe@astenjohnson.com)
- Password:changeme (first time only, you will be asked to change it)
- An email will be sent to your AJ email address asking you to login and change your password
- Once you have changed your password you will granted access to the site
Access to Courses:
Most courses are auto-enrol which means you can enrol yourself. If you encounter a course where you cannot enrol, please contact the course Teacher.